Oracle BI Case Study

“Enterprise is hard work. You have to integrate the client with the optimized systems of all the servers and software”

accel <> BI

Implementation Partner : Proden Technologies

A new approach to Rapid Business Intelligence. In recent years, several Organizations have embraced a BI Strategy as it has become apparent that BI is one of the key components for their success. As they travel down this road they realize the challenges are far more complex and also presented from unexpected avenues. The key challenges Organizations of any size face today in implementing even a well-thought-out strategy are listed below:

  • Overall approach: Top down or Bottom up?
  • What types of reports are best suited?
  • Management, tactical, operational
  • Scope: What to include in Phase I?
  • Assessing the Quality of Data and Analytics
  • Time to Market

A New Approach accel> BI (Rapid Business Intelligence Development) is the only solution of its kind designed specifically to address the issues listed above. The approach is to provide a platform for both IT and business to instantly present the analytical solution to assess the choice of reports, functional areas to focus (on scope), and overall effectiveness of the solution early in the lifecycle.

Build Based on the original scope, create your BI Model. Use accel>BI Discoverer TM to validate your model instantly rather than over time.

Preview: Build a representative set of reports across your Model, let Users preview it, and gather feedback. accel<>BI Discoverer ™ will do just that by instantly generating a Starter Reports Set for ready pilot deployment directly into Oracle BI.

Extend: Gather users' feedback on reporting scope, validate data, and make needed adjustments. As you extend this solution iteratively accel<>BI’s Quality Analyzer™, unlike other QA tools, integrates tightly with the Oracle BI to constantly and instantly validate against the Source System (such as Oracle EBS) and even against existing reports.

Deploy: Once Quality is assured move into full-scale deployment. With accel<>BI Health Check ™ you can constantly monitor the health of your reports in terms of availability, data accuracy, Performance under stress, etc.

The picture below effectively portrays how accel<>BI’s toolset can shrink the timeline during various phases of a BI Project and drastically reduce your Time to Market.

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